Author: Church Member Anonymous

Follow me on Twitter - @anonchurchmembr Just a random person sitting the church pews. Here you will find my random bantering about Church, Jesus, and life.

The man behind the mask (PT. 1)


How are you doing?

Good I hope. My name is Anonymous Church Member and I want to tell you a story. Part of my story. This is not an ordinary story, it’s part of mine. Names,places and events have been changed so that I don’t get in to deep.

It will also be in a different format. 

It won’t be paragraph after paragraph, but more like a conversation. I am not a writer, but just a person wanting to tell a story. Mine.

My back story – 1) Married       2) Four kids       3) Bachelors in Theology   5) Failure

My life has been pretty simple. Got married young. Had some kids. Got a bachelors degree. I work 2.5 jobs just trying to make ends meat. 

I have friends. I have loving parents. They got divorced when I was young, but have loved me regardless of them being apart. 

I graduated high school with a 3.7 GPA and a few extra credits also. I had dreams. Dreams that could soar high above the clouds. I thought I was doing everything properly. I went to Bible college, I worked at a church, and was thinking I would be a pastor soon!

But, boy was I wrong. Long story short. I got screwed over pretty hard by a church I was involved with for over 20 years. I did a little of everything there. I preached, played in the band, ran sound, and I was in charge of small groups. I had much responsibility.

But one day, it was almost as if they forgot about me.     And I left.

Heart broken.



With out giving you all the details, I need to explain something to you about me. 

I have always had big dreams. I have always wanted to do something great. – but never have. 

I also never told anyone how I really felt. I put on a great mask that hid how I truly was feeling. Little did any one know, I was broken. Crying on the inside. Wanting to go away and never come back.

Two times in my life I wanted commit suicide. I almost drowned myself and the second time I thought about slicing my wrists. But didn’t. I never went through with it. My mind was hell. And no one knew it. I was not the Christian man that people thought I was on the outside. I was falling apart. 
No one cared. I was alone. My life in my mind was one big lie. I was a Christian. I was a broken Chrisitan. Feeling that God forgot about me.
I was ok with this. God was finished with me and my life was never destined for greatness. 

I was going to just be an ordinary person. Stuck in mediocrity. I was alone. Surrounded by people all by myself. 

Or so I thought. Help was coming. 

Just not right this second.


Next time on my blog.  Playing with fire

Twitter – @anonchurchmembr 

It’s been awhile…

Guys, it’s been awhile since I have posted anything on my blog. I have been going through some things mentally,physically, and spiritually over the past months that have really taken a toll on me.

In the next month or so I will be posting probably 4 or so blog posts kind of giving an over view of what has been going on. 

It is something I have been thinking about doing and I believe it’s time for me to write about my smuggles. 

Depression, failure, regret, giving up.

That is just a few I will be talking about. 

Thank you for giving me a chance to talk about what I have been going though.
– ACM 

The Essential Guide to Amazon Prime Day

I have gone through all of the deals on Amazon.coms “Prime Day”. Below is the best list out there of deals that you can find. Apart from so many percentages of discounts, you can not count out the free shipping. DEALS! DEALS! DEALS!

The best of Amazon's Prime deals!

The best of Amazon’s Prime deals!

Zoom in to see the best deals!

I hope this help’s you get the best the these deals have to offer. If you have any other great deals Tweet me!


You might be thinking, “why can I not fully see the words in the picture?” Well truth is, I didn’t really find any good deals. That is, unless you want to get a good deal on a leaf blower. 😀

I.F.B.Q.O.T.W – 6-19-15

I am not Breaking Baptist, so I can never live up to his epicness. I am not as talented as him with photoshop, so my graphics are not as snappy. But I present this to you in the way that they produce their graphics. Study it carefully for the full effect. Enjoy the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Quotes of the Week.


3 things your church budget should not cut

Every church is looking to be smart with their money. Not to over spend and take the money donated to them the farthest possible. Ok, with exception to Creflo Dolla$ and Joel osteen, churches attempt to be financially smart. 

I do believe there are three major things that the budget should not be cut on, but money allocated specifically for.


This is God’s gift to all man kind. Created on the first day above all creation(but just below Jesus), life is to short to drink maxwell house and folgers. I will admit I do enjoy a good Starbucks. Their coffee is a little strong, but is perfect to keep you wake during pastors sermons. If you want to be airtle special go drink that special coffe that you can only get from the Swiss alps and enjoy it. 


I should not have to go very into detail with this one. No one likes 1-ply. No one. A soft two ply strong and absorbent is a must. Extra quilted? Extra awesome!


Let me explain my self. I am a connoisseur of writing. My favorite pen is a Pilot G2. The flow of ink never stops. It always is smooth and silky. Next in line is a zebra f-301. Made of metal, there is something about the luscious hand feel it gives you when taking notes during pastors sermon. To many times I have had those garbage pens that just randomly stop working for no reason. Pay a few extra cents and get the good pens, you will thank me later.

Get a hold of me: 
