Letters to the famous

Here you will find my letters to the famous people.

L.T.T.F. #2 Ted Dekker

Dear Mr. Dekker,

I would like to thank you for the books you write. Not only have you given my brain an amazing adventure to go on every time I read one, but you have given me an incite to Christian culture other wise not know to me if it was not for your books.

I have a hard time pin pointing my favorite title. So I guess I would have to go by which story impacted me the most. They all had a way of reshaping my mind in one way or another.

Adam had such an engaging reminder of the truth of the demonic world and issues that can happen. Skin’s ending blew my mind.

So if I had to boil it down to my top 3 this is what it would be.

3) Saint

Saint was epic. I loved how you intertwined the supernatural powers into the abilities of a man. The fight of a man trying to regain who he is. And frankly I like the idea of a sniper being able to control his bullets when he takes a shot.

2) The lost book series

Caveat: I have not finished every one of these books in the series. I have read all but 2.

I have a crazy wild imagination. I think this is one major reason your books have struck a chord with me. When I started to read chosen I for some reason fell in love with the story line. I don’t know why this caught my attention, but it did.

The use of the characters Elyon and Teeleh as God and satan respectively was great. Oh and the Roush, Machal and Gabil as white bat creatures was a very good way to put a intimation of angels in this book.

Over all, these books put together made an amazing story that I could not put down. I read the first 3 books in about 5 days. Yah, they where that good.

1) House

House was the very first book that got me interested in your work. I heard of it from a friend and finished it in 3 days. Since then I have read about 13 books and as I type this I am reading forbidden. House took what I thought about reading and made me fall in love with reading even more. It hit a mental chord that has stuck with me for a while. And for that I say thank you. Believe it or not it helped me through a very dark time in my life. I suffered with my diagnoses of depression for a couple years. House helped me see light at the end of my dark tunnel. My interpretation showed me that even when we are in our darkest times, with people out to destroy you, with what appears to be no escape, there is still some one out there looking out for us, protecting us. In a sense you helped me crawl out of a pit that was over my head. Thank you.

I type all that to say thank you.

Your work has blessed me in ways you do not understand. One day I hope to meet you in person and thank you.

But for now I write you this letter.

Thank you from a huge fan,

Church member annoymous.

L.T.T.F – Lecrae #1

Dear Lecrae,

Thank you for being real. Most music, regardless of genre, today is very superficial. There is no meat to it. Especially “Christian” music. I love how you articulate things that most artists are scared to talk about. Confe$$sions of a millionaire is masterfully spoken. It reminds me of Ecclesiastes. It’s all meaningless. In the end you lose it all. Boasting is probably my favorite of your songs right now. It hit me when I was in a lonely place. It reminded me it is not about just me.

Another dollar in my bank account of vain pursuit.
I do not count my life as any value or precious at all.
Let me finish my race, let me answer my call. – Boasting

Bro, I almost cried.

Could go on for a while and just thank you for what you have done in your music. One day I would love to meet you and talk. But the last song I wanna “boast” about (see what I did there) is church clothes. This is a prime example of things people would not talk about in their music.


No we don’t wanna see that,
Cuz that might mean a life change
That might mean I’m worth more,
The money, cars, sex and pipe dreams
Better not be no real Jesus,
Real forgiveness, for hurt folks
If God gon take me as I am
I guess I already got on my
Church clothes

So much truth. It hits me in the heart.
I just want to say thank you for what you do.
Don’t change.
Thank you for ministering to people where they are.
Keep up the epic work for Christ.
I’ll be praying for yah.

– this church member anonymous