
It’s been awhile…

Guys, it’s been awhile since I have posted anything on my blog. I have been going through some things mentally,physically, and spiritually over the past months that have really taken a toll on me.

In the next month or so I will be posting probably 4 or so blog posts kind of giving an over view of what has been going on. 

It is something I have been thinking about doing and I believe it’s time for me to write about my smuggles. 

Depression, failure, regret, giving up.

That is just a few I will be talking about. 

Thank you for giving me a chance to talk about what I have been going though.
– ACM 

I.F.B.Q.O.T.W – 6-19-15

I am not Breaking Baptist, so I can never live up to his epicness. I am not as talented as him with photoshop, so my graphics are not as snappy. But I present this to you in the way that they produce their graphics. Study it carefully for the full effect. Enjoy the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Quotes of the Week.


3 things your church budget should not cut

Every church is looking to be smart with their money. Not to over spend and take the money donated to them the farthest possible. Ok, with exception to Creflo Dolla$ and Joel osteen, churches attempt to be financially smart. 

I do believe there are three major things that the budget should not be cut on, but money allocated specifically for.


This is God’s gift to all man kind. Created on the first day above all creation(but just below Jesus), life is to short to drink maxwell house and folgers. I will admit I do enjoy a good Starbucks. Their coffee is a little strong, but is perfect to keep you wake during pastors sermons. If you want to be airtle special go drink that special coffe that you can only get from the Swiss alps and enjoy it. 


I should not have to go very into detail with this one. No one likes 1-ply. No one. A soft two ply strong and absorbent is a must. Extra quilted? Extra awesome!


Let me explain my self. I am a connoisseur of writing. My favorite pen is a Pilot G2. The flow of ink never stops. It always is smooth and silky. Next in line is a zebra f-301. Made of metal, there is something about the luscious hand feel it gives you when taking notes during pastors sermon. To many times I have had those garbage pens that just randomly stop working for no reason. Pay a few extra cents and get the good pens, you will thank me later.

Get a hold of me: 


“My Anonymous Life”





Do you see that circle? Its there on the left. That is me. That is where I am. Hidden in the crowd of people. Looking on in wonder of the pastor on stage. One day I will be a pastor up there. Probably not in a crowd this big. But still on stage, preaching to people. That is my dream one day.


For now, I will sit and wait quietly, study, and pray. I have my bachelors degree and soon am going to start my masters degree. This is all true. I have not made up any of that. I will also keep running my “Anon” twitter account. The Anonymous church member.


The whole point of this blog post is to give you an idea of what it is like in the day and life of an anonymous church member.

I live a very quiet life. I work about 65 hours a week. I also have a family to take care of. I get up at about 5:00 every morning and don’t get to bed till about 10:00 at night. The getting up at 5 isn’t for prayer and meditation either. It’s for work. I go through my day like this:




Then all of a sudden it hits me.  *Something I believe is funny that I can put on Twitter*




That is pretty much how it works. I know exciting right? I am a very boring person in real life. I just anonymously just go to work. Do my thing. Come home. Play with my kids. Take a nap. Then do my honey do list. Take a shower and go to bed. Then rinse and repeat.


When the weekend comes, I usually work Saturdays. Sundays are my only full day off. When I go to church I drop my kids off at their appropriate classes and then head to the sanctuary and slide into my seat towards the back row. Sorry BackrowBaptist, I just can not sit there. I lost my glasses and it is tough to see the stage. I sit there doing my best to not fall asleep, astutely listening to the pastor preach. After service, I grab my kids and head home.


Now here is the thing. I am truly anonymous at my church. I am truly anonymous at my job. If I left not many people would really notice. I am just another face in the crowd. But that is according to what every one sees when they look at me. That is not truly how I see myself.


I see my self one day as a pastor of a church influencing a congregation of people. Whether it will be a church of 100 or 10,000 I will gladly accept what ever God gives me. I am going to do the Godly thing and quote a verse here. Jeremiah 29:11. Every one knows that verse. Everyone uses it out of context. So let me bring it into context. (Click here to read the whole chapter). This verse was written about the exiles in Babylon. They were taken away to a far away country and left with what looked like no hope.  This was hope given to them that one day they would return back to their home land. So when reading it, I recommend reading verse 10. Which says that when the 70 years of exile are over, they would be brought back, because God knows the plans He has for them.

How do I make that make sense in the context of what I am talking about? I know the plans God has for me. I know that one day He will put me in the position of pastor and let me lead a church.The catch is getting there. Right now I am in a place like Babylon. Far away from where my heart is. In a land looking for the time when my exile is over. Some times it seems like I am forgotten. Like I am just a random anonymous person with a dream. Then I remember how far God has brought me. How much He truly loves me. That I am not forgotten and that He knows me by name.


To all who read this that are going through a hard and difficult time. Remember that God has not forgotten about you no matter how insignificant you feel. It does suck really bad being in Babylon, but remember God knows you by name. To become a diamond you first have to be coal and go through a ton of pressure and heat. It hurts. On the other side though you will shine with the beauty God has truly given to you.


Are you going through difficult times where you feel like you are just an anonymous person?




Follow me on Twitter: @anonchurchmembr