
The man behind the mask (PT. 1)


How are you doing?

Good I hope. My name is Anonymous Church Member and I want to tell you a story. Part of my story. This is not an ordinary story, it’s part of mine. Names,places and events have been changed so that I don’t get in to deep.

It will also be in a different format. 

It won’t be paragraph after paragraph, but more like a conversation. I am not a writer, but just a person wanting to tell a story. Mine.

My back story – 1) Married       2) Four kids       3) Bachelors in Theology   5) Failure

My life has been pretty simple. Got married young. Had some kids. Got a bachelors degree. I work 2.5 jobs just trying to make ends meat. 

I have friends. I have loving parents. They got divorced when I was young, but have loved me regardless of them being apart. 

I graduated high school with a 3.7 GPA and a few extra credits also. I had dreams. Dreams that could soar high above the clouds. I thought I was doing everything properly. I went to Bible college, I worked at a church, and was thinking I would be a pastor soon!

But, boy was I wrong. Long story short. I got screwed over pretty hard by a church I was involved with for over 20 years. I did a little of everything there. I preached, played in the band, ran sound, and I was in charge of small groups. I had much responsibility.

But one day, it was almost as if they forgot about me.     And I left.

Heart broken.



With out giving you all the details, I need to explain something to you about me. 

I have always had big dreams. I have always wanted to do something great. – but never have. 

I also never told anyone how I really felt. I put on a great mask that hid how I truly was feeling. Little did any one know, I was broken. Crying on the inside. Wanting to go away and never come back.

Two times in my life I wanted commit suicide. I almost drowned myself and the second time I thought about slicing my wrists. But didn’t. I never went through with it. My mind was hell. And no one knew it. I was not the Christian man that people thought I was on the outside. I was falling apart. 
No one cared. I was alone. My life in my mind was one big lie. I was a Christian. I was a broken Chrisitan. Feeling that God forgot about me.
I was ok with this. God was finished with me and my life was never destined for greatness. 

I was going to just be an ordinary person. Stuck in mediocrity. I was alone. Surrounded by people all by myself. 

Or so I thought. Help was coming. 

Just not right this second.


Next time on my blog.  Playing with fire

Twitter – @anonchurchmembr